Pollinators need you…you need pollinators!
Birds, bats, bees, butterflies, and beetles are responsible to help sustain our ecosystems, which helps plants in their reproduction. Pollinating animals/mammals/flying insects travel from plant to plant carrying pollen, on their bodies. This interaction allows the transfer of genetic material. Pollen grain moves from the male to the female part (stigma) of a flowering plant. Self-pollination in the form of wind and rain also play a significant role. This aids in the plants ability to reproduce. This in turn brings us fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Half of the world’s oils, fibers and raw materials rely on pollination. Carbon sequestration and the prevention of soil erosion are also impacted by this activity. Climate changing, pollution and the miss use of chemicals are all contributing factors to the shrinking and shifting of the pollinator population.
What can we do???
Adding natural habitats and building annual/perennial flower gardens to our landscape is a great start! Annual flowers such as Cosmos, Sunflowers, Milkweed, Zinnias and Verbena are good choices for our pollinating friends. Hollyhocks, Bee Balm, Black eyed Susan, Phlox and Butterfly weed are just a few perennial varietals as well.
Call us if you need assistance with a new environment to encourage pollination!